This morning in connecticut a bill was passed which prevents crime scene photos of murder victims and any video. They went for the big names and out of them dahmer's crime scene is the worst but as for most of last one is of a young woman who wrecked her father's porsche, there's several photos of the scene of the accident and a couple photos of her. We've all seen crime scenes, on the news with blurred out faces, however, it's rare that we get a raw glimpse into the phenomena that is murder. Graphic photographs from epstein's autopsy have revealed for the first time his bloodied neck wound after he killed himself on august 1. Graphic Crime Scene Photos - Very Graphic Upsetting Murder Of Gabriel Kuhn Crimescene - Since whitney houston's body was seen lying in a casket…on the front cover of the latest issue of the national enquirer, many people have expressed how distasteful it was.